
Bhavesh Kakrotra
2 min readAug 20, 2020


Problem Statement: Convert the OS based program into a menu driven program using Python Code which will execute the required user query when user will give the input as a text.


# Imporing os, shutil and pyjokes module and taking input inside while loop

import os

import shutil

#os.system(“pip install pyjokes”)

import pyjokes

while True:

x=input(“Hey what do you want me to do? “)

# What are the programs that you support?

if “what” in x or “?” in x:

print(“You can ask me to open chrome, notepad, vlc, calculator, show disk usage and crack a joke! You can use your own command by typing the word command.”)

# Running programs

elif “run” in x or “launch” in x or “execute” in x or “open” in x:

if “browser” in x or “chrome” in x:

os.system(r’”C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”’)

elif “media” in x or “player” in x or “vlc” in x:

os.system(r’”C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe”’)

elif “editor” in x or “notepad” in x:


elif “calculator” in x or “calc” in x:



print(“I don’t support that!”)

elif x == “command”:

os.system(input(“Enter your own command: “))

# Exiting the loop

elif “exit” in x or “bye” in x or “close” in x:


# Disk usage and random joke

elif “disk” in x or “space” in x:

print(“Amount of disk used: “, shutil.disk_usage(“/”).used * 100/ shutil.disk_usage(“/”).total, “%”, sep=””)

elif “joke” in x:


# Prompt to ask me what I do


print(“Ask me what can I do.”)

# Exiting statement

print(“Next time!”)

Output (Right Side of the pic)



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