Using Ansible to configure Docker
Automating containers — Apache 2 httpd Web Server
In this world of automation we often require to automate a lot of things and one of them could be a container! So here we are — automating a docker container by creating an Ansible playbook!
Here we integrate Ansible and docker to create a webserver using httpd image:
First we create an Ansible playbook:
mkdir ~/playbooks
touch ~/playbooks/docker.yml
Now set your host group in inventory:
192.168.X.Y ansible_ssh_user=**** ansible_user_pass=********
Now edit your playbook and set the tasks you want to do, and put them under in a list under tasks key. Since we are setting up a web server, our playbooks skeleton looks like:
- hosts: docker
- name: Add Docker Repo
- name: Install Docker
- name: Enable Docker service
- name: Install Docker-py
- name: Pull httpd server image
- name: Create Volume Directory
- name: Create Link Directory
- name: Create a container
- name: Allow port on firewall
- name: Add html file
Now write down each task… until the final playbook looks like:
Now its time to execute the playbook.
On the target note we can check if the port 8080 is on.
Now put some files in the linked directory… eg:
echo "hellooooo" > /var/www/html/index.html
Now check if the webserver is running on target node:
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